“Buy less, choose well, make it last.” Ever since Vivienne Westwood's words hit the internet, everyone has been talking about it: the capsule wardrobe. The so-called capsule wardrobe is a seasonally assembled wardrobe of basics and favorite pieces that can be easily combined with one another. On average, it consists of 30 to 40 items of clothing, which include tops and bottoms, dresses, jackets and coats, as well as shoes.
The idea behind the term is simple: less is more. And the more often a piece of clothing is worn, the more sustainable it is.
Why has the concept become so successful recently? We seem to be getting more and more tired and overwhelmed by the flood of fast fashion that has characterized the last decade. A now widely cited study by Greenpeace shows that on average every adult in Germany owns 95 items of clothing (excluding underwear and socks). At least a third have 100 to over 300 items in their closet - and women in particular own on average 118 items of clothing, significantly more than men.
The effect: one in five items of clothing is hardly ever worn and ends up in the trash. The "capsule wardrobe" concept promises to help: it helps us define our own style, saves us time and energy when choosing clothes in the morning and saves money and resources by concentrating on our favorite items. We'll show you how you can build your own capsule wardrobe.
Step-by-step guide to the capsule wardrobe
Step 1
Define goal and take stock

How many items of clothing do I need in the current season?
How many items of clothing go into a capsule wardrobe is of course up to you, as the number varies according to different needs. However, 37 items are usually given as a guideline.
What do I currently wear often and enjoy in my closet, which clothes might lack combination options – and what can work?
First of all, it's about getting to know yourself and your existing wardrobe better. The best way to do this is to lay out all the items of clothing on your bed according to category and season. Take enough time to touch or even try on each item of clothing - and if necessary, sort it out straight away á la Marie Kondo: anything that doesn't bring you joy can go. Just go through the items from the current season and see which ones look particularly good on you and which ones can be perfectly combined with each other. You can donate, give away or even sell the items you've sorted out. Favorite items from another season can be stored away until the right season.
Step 2
Choose a color palette and add patterns

Which style and colour concept suits me?
Not all capsule wardrobes are the same. To put together a well-functioning wardrobe that meets your needs, you first need to ask yourself: Am I more of a minimalist or playful fashion type? Do I prefer to wear plain jeans, smart suit trousers – or skirts and dresses? And which colors suit me particularly well?
Step 3
Put together timeless basics

Which basics should form the basis of my wardrobe?
Have you found your favorite items of clothing? Great! These now form the basis for your capsule wardrobe. Regardless of whether you prefer pants or dresses, the pieces should be easy to combine with each other. In general, you should choose a maximum of 4 basic colors so that all the pieces can be combined well with each other. Also make sure that different patterns go well with them, which you select in the next step.
Step 4
Complement special items of clothing

How do I combine more unusual pieces so that I really enjoy wearing them?
When it comes to your favorite items of clothing that you rarely wear, you should ask yourself: Am I even the type for this style/cut/color? If you are not 100% convinced, then these should go too. Or maybe you are simply missing the right basic to combine with it? Then first of all check whether this is already in your capsule or whether it should be added as a new purchase.
If you need to buy new items, you should choose high-quality “slow fashion” items, as these are much more durable and timeless. This means you can wear your capsule for a long time without going out of style.
Step 5
Invest in some quality shoes and accessories

Which shoes and accessories can be combined with my capsule and complete my outfits?
Even the simplest outfit can become an absolute eye-catcher with the right shoes and accessories - but they can also add a little calm to a particularly exciting outfit. The motto is: combine your favorite pieces in a way that emphasizes your personal style, but also dare to go for more unusual combinations.
Step 6
Care, care, care

Ideally, you now have an easy-to-use capsule of timeless clothing items - according to your own interpretation. Proper clothing care guarantees you can enjoy your favorite items for a long time and protects you from hasty new purchases. → To the LANIUS care products
We hope you enjoy putting together your capsule!
By the way: The term capsule wardrobe was originally coined by Londoner Susie Faux with her boutique 'Wardrobe' - back in the 1970s. The concept then became more widely known with the American designer Donna Karan, who launched a collection of seven interchangeable workwear items in 1985. Since sustainability in fashion has become more of a public interest, the term has been on everyone's lips.