For us, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the most important and credible textile seal for sustainable fashion because it takes a holistic approach.

Our GOTS certified products are marked separately on the product

Who receives a GOTS seal?

The seal is awarded annually and GOTS-certified companies, such as us, are subject to regular audits based on a dual control system - consisting of on-site inspections at the company and analyses of residues in the textiles.

In order for a garment to receive the GOTS seal, it must consist of at least 70% natural fibers in organic/kbT quality and meet comprehensive social and ecological criteria in its production.

Social standards – These include:

  • Employment is freely chosen – no forced labour
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • No child labor
  • Setting a minimum wage
  • No excessive working hours
  • No harassment and no violence
  • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Ecological standards – These include:

  • Testing of all chemical additives
  • Ban on azo dyes
  • Prohibition of problematic additives such as toxic heavy metals
  • PVC-free packaging material
  • Requirements for wet processing plants regarding the use of chemicals and the treatment of waste water

→ To the entire catalogue of criteria